Tuesday 17 September 2013


Heavenly Father, our God, and Creator, who has honored all men with thy own image; who has protected his children and clothed them in their right minds, so that most wise are they who give heed to thy teaching; who reveals wisdom unto babes; who has imparted wisdom to Solomon and unto all who ask for wisdom. O Righteous Lord and Savior, open thou the heart and mind of your children, that they may receive the knowledge and understanding which shall be taught to them, to the glory of your holy name.
Deliver your children from every hostile oppression; preserve them and shelter them from all evil. Bless and guide them. Grant them your peace, for you are a God of mercy, and gracious in strength, and unto you all glory and honor are due; for you O God is God of all god and Lord of all lord; the great God, mighty and awesome. Who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes, who defends the cause of the fatherless and the widows, and loves alien, giving them food and clothing.

O God you are a good God, all your ways are perfect; your word has been proven; you are a shield to all who trust you. To protect the children we pray. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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