Wednesday 2 April 2014

Life Lessons

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. We wake from one dream into another dream. As Elmo puts it. “Nothing walks with aimless feet." 

He continued by saying. "It is a very busy world. Flowers are busy, filling all the land with perfume and beauty; birds are busy, filling the air with the music of their happy songs; the fields are busy, waving their golden harvests to provide for man; the seas are busy, bearing on their waves the treasures of all lands; the sun is busy, flooding every day with light; the stars are busy, in their patient shining. And for a man to be idle is to be out of harmony with God and his universe.”  

The longer we live, the more I am certain we will see a great difference, between those who aimlessly wander through life and the industrious whose invincible determination continue to set goals and ensure they are met, whose purpose once fixed to continue upward and onward to reach their ultimate goal.

Concerning talents, all have been given ability, which requires our time to be developed. Therefore we have no time to waste, why throw away time that will be required? Throwing away handfuls of time in heedless waste will no doubt take us away from reaching our desired goals and will see us suffer the consequences of reaping a harvest of barren regrets.

Circumstances: in life, we must anticipate the unexpected and soundly fix in our mind what we desire to achieve and not allow anything to jog it from our memory. Let us remember that if we Marshal all our efforts with determination into a handsome method, we will be able to overcome whatever the circumstances that come against us.

Opportunities are the gifts we receive with every passing moment, and with perseverance, we can make use of this time, which when rightly used may be worked up into results of the greatest value. I particularly love the way Robert Burton puts it he says. “Idleness is the bane of body and mind, the nurse of Naughtiness, the stepmother of Discipline, the chief author of all Mischief, one of the seven deadly sins, the cushion upon which the Devil chiefly reposes, and a great cause not only of Melancholy, but of many other diseases: for the mind is naturally active; and, if it be not occupied by some honest business, it rushes into Mischief, or sinks into Melancholy.

Character, therefore, becomes a key factor in winning the race of life. If we are determined to overcome all obstacles we have to remember that our character is but a stamp which reflects our free choice and the cultivating of the good or evil deeds we have made through life. As Joseph Parker said. “Character ought not to be a mere question of points at all. Character ought not to be viewed in sections and departments, in aspects and occasional models. The character should have about it the distinctness of wholeness, entirety. Our goodness is not to be an occasional impulse or a transitory appearance of moral conscience and moral concern for others. Out of our character, there is to stream continuous and beneficent influence. We lose when we can be talked about in sections. It is no compliment when we have to take out of a character three or four good points, and say to those who look on, “Observe these; whatever defects there may be in the character, don’t overlook these redeeming points. When we can talk so about ourselves and about others, it is not a compliment; it is a sign of incompleteness. When our moral training is perfected, we shall not have points of excellence; our whole character shall be massive, indivisible, and out of it shall go an influence that shall constrain men to believe that we have been with God and that we have imbibed the very spirit of His righteousness.”

 Repetition - as we consider the flowers how they will bloom over and over again, to the end of time, always old and always new. Why then should we be more shy of repeating ourselves? Let us remember that “Earnestness is the best gift of mental power, and deficiency of heart is the cause of many men never becoming great.” 

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