Tuesday 4 September 2012


A good friend stick closer than a brother, often when things go wrong as they do with everyone; we allow sadness to envelop us plunging us into a state of discouragement; it is times like these when we realize the value of true friendship.

Most folks can attest to the fact that the number of friends is not as plentiful as they should be in times of distress and trouble; in times of crisis when they are most wanted they are usually never found.

All have the responsibility to be that friend, such a friend who allows kindness to be on their lips, and graciousness to characterize their entire attitude; friends who can be depended upon to do what they say they will. Human relationship depend upon the sanctity of promises and agreements, for only through this act we can trust each other. 

How often do we find ourselves engaging in unselfish acts?  For example going out of our way to help others?  So much can be said about this unselfish act, anyone who desires to become that valued friend should look carefully at this action and see if this happens to be a part of their regular activity and if not swiftly make amends to correct such.

May we strive to be a good friend, one who will not make fun of others behind their backs. Or be inclined to find fault with everybody else, instead let us be more thoughtful of others if we desire to be a valued friend. As we learn what it means to have goodwill toward all men we become that ray of sunshine to others.

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