Sunday, 27 October 2019

Be Hopeful

Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. We are in good hands if we hope in God. The Word of God encourages us to be of good courage, for in doing this God will strengthen you. 

We all have the need for strength as we go through life on a daily basis. Each day has a new challenge and often we need daily strength to deal with the various issues that we face. In life there will always be problems, however, we should always remember that the eye of the Lord is upon us, especially when we allow Him to direct our path; so we should hope in His mercy trusting he will never leave or forsake us in times of crisis.

Life can be overwhelming and often we become hopeless when circumstances do not go the way we want them. Your circumstances will change. Do not let failure cause you to give up trying, keep pressing forward and upward. Hope in God for He is always there to help you. Do not be impatient when you experience delays, trust in God for He is able to turn things in your favor.

To desire is to obtain, to hope is to achieve. All things can be achieved with hard work and determination, so keep hope alive. Hope provides vision and the vision is the promise of your desires. It enables you to visualize what you will become. In all your affairs there must be effort and with the effort, you will experience results. So be hopeful, elevate your thoughts, and watch your desires become a reality.

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