Saturday, 21 July 2012


Time – I say this—and know it to be true.  Upon this little word, time hang all our joys and sorrows. Our reality, our circumstances, glooms or gladness, this is our portion the glorious light of truth.
Time you have the power to make or mar our life; the sting of death no one can deny; the agony of losing a loved one none can describe. Yet while hope lingers you procrastinate. When the grey hairs become many, the desires no longer stirred, while we become invisible and some go to their eternal home the cycle of life continues.

Friday, 13 July 2012


Cancer what is it? “Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases. All cancers start because abnormal cells grow out of control.” If left untreated serious illness or even death can be the result.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the recommended source of food that will guard us against cancer. We should strive to eat as much of these as possible to maintain our health and aid our body in the fight against this terrible disease.

The Brazilian nuts, oats, and brown rice are some of the best sources of selenium; this is known to reduce the incidence of lung, prostate, and colorectal cancers.

Onions and Garlic are also very good in the fight of this deadly disease as it contains sulfur compounds that are able to stimulate the immune system natural defenses. This also has the ability to potentially reduce tumor growth. Garlic has been suggested by some studies to reduce stomach cancer.

Brussels Sprouts – is recommended as a cancer-fighting agent as it has a high amount of bioflavonoids and indoles, plant chemicals that protect against cancer. Other studies have indicated that the bioflavonoids and indoles may protect us against cancer of the prostate and uterus.

Tomatoes and Tomato products excellent food to aid the fight of cancer as they contain lycopene. Preliminary research has shown consumption of tomatoes can lower cancer risk, as a result of the presence of lycopene, which has been considered a potential agent for prevention of some types of cancers.
Cabbage – another food source suggested in the prevention of this terrible disease.  It has been noted that people who consume a large amount of this food, a low rate of colon cancer has been found.

If ever a time when the diet should be simple it is now. In a country like this where fruits, nuts, and vegetables are in abundance, why should we consume so much of the flesh of dead animals for food?  We know the use of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts can and does contribute to a wholesome healthy diet.

We should strive to eat of the foods that will not depreciate the blood.  An impoverished diet, or poor quality of food, cooked in an improper manner, cannot make good blood. We are composed of what we eat, A variety of simple dishes, perfectly healthful and nourishing, should be our choice.

Monday, 2 July 2012


a  heart
There is a habit which we have yet to overcome, one that can be very annoying.

It is the disposition of many to talk about themselves or problems encountered on a daily basis.

There is another habit we have to strive also to overcome and it is selfishness. We can become so consumed with self to the exclusion of others and their problems.

I do not think that those who participate in this habit are aware of how irritating it can be to others. This displays our weakness and can be a very unpleasant way to gain attention.