Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Recently I was browsing through an old book, I found this beautiful reading. Though it was written more than a hundred years ago it is still relevant to us today. I hope you enjoy it as I did.

"We read that Moses did ascend
To Sinai's Mount to take
The ten commandments from God's hand,
And that the mount did shake.

He did the written Law receive
From the great God above ;

And those commandments God did give,
From motives of pure love,
The first command, with promise, giv'n,
Is," Children, honour give
Unto your parents, that ye may
On earth have long to live"

God is well pleased with children who
Their parents do obey ;
Who strict obedience willing yield,
And loving reverence pay.

But those who mind not this command,
Who tread a different path,
Must, most assuredly, expect
To meet God's awful wrath.

Then where's the child who dare oppose
The sovereign Laws of heaven?
Who dare his parents disobey,
And hope to be forgiven.

If children would but learn from me,
And from extravagance would flee,
And mind the golden rule:

No ! God in anger marks that child,
And still his mercy's loathed ;
But justice will, tho' mercy pleads,
That wicked child cut off.
Then, child, obey the just command,
The promise then is thine ;
Obedience will ensure God's love,
Whose laws are all divine."

Henry Sharpe Horsley

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